
[Group 5: “Bodies of Exile”] LAT/LON:  Union Reef_9.5156N_114.2616E

Part of “[Mapping the Invisible Iteration 2] “Form Axioms: Design Strategies in and around South China Sea” 

[SUTD Iteration 1

[SUTD Iteration 2]


Advanced Option Studio, Spring Semester 2019. Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD_ASD).

Tutors: Eva Castro and Federico Ruberto.

Students: Sim Yi-ting (Michel), Kendrick Tay

[Students’ Text] The number of forcibly displaced persons in the world are at a record high of 68.5 million. At least 4.2 million of which are in the Asia-Pacific region. While vast amounts of efforts are being poured into alleviating the consequences of forced displacement— violence, statelessness, human trafficking— the bureaucratic machines of today are too large, too tangled and too encumbered in folk politics to imagine more timely and effective solutions to these systemic problems. Rather than rely on the volatile ‘benevolence’ of host countries in seeking refuge, this project thus argues for the enablement of these displaced individuals’ capacity to self determination, beyond the operative territory and jurisdiction of any state. And given the expanding spatial dimensions of human flow and activity, both in the physical and digital realm, we should begin to create new potentials for transforming the bounded state from an indispensable political unit into an irrelevant one.